
In this folder

Modelisation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) dynamic in soils presenting a large gradient of contamination. Thesis Director : S. Ouvrard (INRA , LSE Nancy) and P. Garnier (INRA , ECOSYS Grignon).
Bilan et transfert d'azote dans des parcelles soumises à des épandages de PRO (Produits résiduaires Organiques). Thesis Director : Ph. Ackerer . IMF Strasbourg
Transport de colloïdes en milieux poreux. Thesis Director : Philippe Coussot (IFSTAR) and Eric Michel (EMMAH).
Coupled transport of dissolved organi carbon and organic trace comppounds. Thesis director : Pierre Benoît, Valérie Pot (ECOSYS Grignon).
Modélisation du rouissage de fibres de lin ou de chanvre in-situ. Projet RESIST (RouissagE Sol InduSTrie) . Thesis Director Sylvie Recous , Brigitte Chabert, Gwenaëlle Lashermes (UMR FARE Reims)
Development of a water balance model in forest soil partly compacted using parsimonious data.
Prediction of soils evolutions in response to agriculture and climate change using a mecanistic model. Thesis director are Sophie Cornu from INRA GSE laboratory in Aix en Provence and Pr. Peter Finke from Gent Université.

Modification date: 19 February 2024 | Publication date: 23 January 2017 | By: the VSoil team