
You can find in this section the different presentations concerning the VSoil modelling platform (ODP and PDF formats) as well as the documentations (PDF format) relative to the 4 softwares making up the VSoil software suite, some tutorials illustrating modules creation and documentations relative to specific functionalities available in VSoil. All these documentations are intended to be written in english. Some of them are still written in french and are currently being translated.

  • Presentations of the VSoil project

The latest version of the presentation of the VSoil modelling platform is available here: odp, pdf

You can find below all presentations concerning the VSoil project made in different contexts:

     - 2nd IMAE (Initiative for AgroEcosystems Modelling) workshop (presentation of the advances made in the VSoil platform since the last workshop, Lyon, 5 November 2024): odp, pdf

     - 1st IMAE (Initiative for AgroEcosystems Modelling) workshop (general presentation of the VSoil modelling platform, Lyon, 4 April 2023): odp, pdf

     - VSoil training session dedicated to forest managers (general presentation of the VSoil modelling platform, INRAE, EMMAH, Avignon, 4 May 2022): odp, pdf

     - EGU General Assembly 2015 (Vienna, Austria, 16 April 2015): pdf. Reference: F. Lafolie, I. Cousin, A. Mollier, P.-A. Maron, V. Pot, N. Moitrier,  N. Moitrier, C. Nouguier, N. Beudez. Which benefits in the use of a modeling platform: The VSoil example. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-5886, 2015 (EGU General Assembly 2015), abstract.

  • Documentation of VSoil softwares

Documentation of vsoil-processes software (PDF format): vsoil-processes user manual

Documentation of vsoil-modules software (PDF format): vsoil-modules user manual

Documentation of vsoil-models software (PDF format): vsoil-models user manual

Documentation of vsoil-player software (PDF format): vsoil-player user manual

The functionalities allowing to compile a module/model, configure it, run it and display the results of a simulation are the same in vsoil-modules, vsoil-models and vsoil-player softwares. These functionalities are described in the model usage user manual (PDF format).

It is possible to import or export one or more variables, processes, modules and models from each of the 4 VSoil softwares. These functionalities are described in the import/export user manual (PDF format).

The different softwares of VSoil platform have a set of common features accessible from the toolbar of the main window of each software. These features are described in the common toolbar user manual (PDF format).

When two variables A and B calculated by two different modules MA and MB are coupled (it means that variable A is calculated using variable B and variable B is calculated using variable A), one has the choice between linearization (module MA is executed first and variable A is then used to calculate variable B in module MB) and iterations between modules. The VSoil platform can perform iterations between these two modules. This functionnality is documented in the user manual for iterations between modules (PDF format).

  • Tutorials of modules creation

A set of 4 tutorials has been written in order to illustrate through concrete examples the creation of modules in the VSoil platform. These tutorials are presented below classified by increasing order of complexity.

Tutorial 1 (PDF format): creation of a module for root water uptake

Tutorial 2 (PDF format): creation of a module for simple denitrification

Tutorial 3 (PDF format): creation of a module for mulch decomposition

Tutorial 4 (PDF format): creation of a module for variation of organic matter in soil

  • Other VSoil documentations

This section presents some documentations relative to specific functionalities available in VSoil softwares.

You can access data from the SOERE ACBB database through the connection to a web service. This functionality is described in the connection to SOERE ACBB user manual (PDF format).