
You can find on this page all publications referencing the VSoil platform. They have been written by modellers that used the VSoil platform in their research works. Some of these publications have been co-written by members of the VSoil team.

The following article is a short reference article describing the VSoil modelling platform:

Francois Lafolie, Isabelle Cousin, Pierre-Alain Marron, Alain Mollier, Valérie Pot, et al. The « VSOIL » modeling platform. Revue forestière française, 2014, 66.,

  • Articles in journals 

Sébastien Roux, Samuel Buis, François Lafolie, Matieyendou Lamboni. Cluster-based GSA: Global sensitivity analysis of models with temporal or spatial outputs using clustering. Environmental Modelling and Software, 140, pp.105046 (2021).,

Lissy, A. S., Sammartino, S., & Ruy, S. Can structure data obtained from CT images substitute for parameters of a preferential flow model? Geoderma, 380, pp.114643 (2020).,

Saba Keyvanshokouhi, Sophie Cornu, Lafolie, F., Balesdent, J., Guenet, B., Moitrier, N., Moitrier, N., Nouguier, C., Finke, P. Effects of soil process formalisms and forcing factors on simulated organic carbon depth-distributions in soils. Science of The Total Environment, 652, pp.523-537 (2019).,

Khaled Brimo, Patricia Garnier, Francois Lafolie, Geoffroy Séré, Stéphanie Ouvrard. In situ long-term modeling of phenanthrene dynamics in an aged contaminated soil using the VSOIL platform. Science of The Total Environment, 619-620, pp.239-248 (2018).,

Alizée Lehoux, Pamela Françoise Faure, Francois Lafolie, Stéphane Rodts, Denis Courtier-Murias, et al. Combined time-lapse magnetic resonance imaging and modeling to investigate colloid deposition and transport in porous media. Water Research, 123, pp.12-20 (2017).,

Christian Mougin, Didier Azam, Thierry Caquet, Nathalie Cheviron, Samuel Dequiedt, et al. A coordinated set of ecosystem research platforms open to international research in ecotoxicology, AnaEE-France. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (20), pp.16215-16228 (2015).,

E. Rabot, Isabelle Cousin, C. Hénault. A modeling approach of the relationship between nitrous oxide fluxes from soils and the water-filled pore space. Biogeochemistry, 122 (2-3), pp.395-408 (2015).,

A.J. Tinet, Andre Chanzy, Isabelle Braud, David Crevoisier, Francois Lafolie. Development and evaluation of an efficient soil-atmosphere model (FHAVeT) based on the Ross fast solution of the Richards equation for bare soil conditions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19 (2), pp.969-980 (2015).,

Francois Lafolie, Isabelle Cousin, Pierre-Alain Marron, Alain Mollier, Valérie Pot, et al. The « VSOIL » modeling platform. Revue forestière française, 66 (2014).,

  • Communications in congresses

Cécile Dagès, Carole Bedos, David Crevoisier, François Lafolie, Erwan Personne, et al. Plot-scale modeling of pesticide fate in soil, water and air, taking into account intra-field heterogeneity in vineyard plots. XVII Symposium in Pesticide Chemistry - Advances and new challenges, Sep 2024, Piacenza, Italy.

Cécile Dagès, Marc Voltz, David Crevoisier, Carole Bedos, Nicolas Beudez, et al.. Evaluation environnementale de stratégies de protection phytosanitaire viticoles. 15ème Journée Scientifique de la Vigne et du Vin, 2024.

Benoit P., Dollinger J., Lafolie F., Chabauty F., Pot V. Assessing the multiple effects of dissolved organic matter on the transport of organic pollutants in subsoil horizons through a modular modeling approach. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12446.

Marc Voltz, Carole Bedos, David Crevoisier, Jean-Christophe Fabre, Benjamin Loubet, et al. Modélisation Intégrée du devenir des Pesticides dans les Paysages agricoles (projet MIPP). 49e Congrès Groupe Français de recherche sur les Pesticides, May 2019, Montpellier, France.

Khaled Brimo, Stéphanie Ouvrard, Sabine Houot, Francois Lafolie, Marjolaine Deschamps, et al. In situ modeling of PAH dynamics in agricultural soils amended with composts using the “VSOIL” platform. EGU 2017, European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2017, Apr 2017, Vienne, Austria.

Anne-Sophie Lissy, Stéphane Sammartino, Liliana Di Pietro, Stephane Ruy. Comparing dynamics recording of infiltration by X-ray tomography to the results of a dual porosity model for structured soils. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, European Geosciences Union (EGU). AUT., Apr 2017, Vienne, Austria.

André Chanzy, Christian Pichot, C. Callou, Francois Lafolie, Michel Loreau, et al. Integrating modelling and experimental platforms in research infrastructure : design and approach in AnaEE-France. ExpeER international conference: Experimentation in Ecosystem Research in a changing world: Challenges and opportunities, Sep 2014, Paris, France. pp.1.

Francois Lafolie, Isabelle Cousin, Alain Mollier, Valerie Pot-Genty, Nicolas Moitrier, et al. The “Vsoil Platform”: a tool to integrate the various physical, chemical and biological processes contributing to the soil functioning at the local scale. EGU, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2014, Apr 2014, Vienne, Austria.

  • Posters in conferences

Céline Jacqueton, Nouraya Akkal-Corfini, Isabelle Bertrand, Claire Chenu, Marie-France Dignac, et al. Collecte et valorisation « open science » des données de décomposition des litières végétales dans les sols. 14èmes Rencontres de la Fertilisation raisonnée et de l’analyse Comifer-Gemas, Nov 2019, Dijon, France.

Patricia Garnier, Khaled Brimo, Stéphanie Ouvrard, Marjolaine Deschamps, Pierre Benoit, et al. PAH dynamic in agricultural soils amended with composts: experiments and modeling with the “VSOIL” platform. 17th International Ramiran Conference, Sep 2017, Wexford, Ireland.

Stéphanie Ouvrard, Khaled Brimo, Francois Lafolie, Geoffroy Séré, Patricia Garnier. In situ long-term modeling of phenanthrene dynamics in an aged contaminated soil using the “VSOIL” platform. 14th International Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources (AquaConSoil), Jun 2017, Lyon, France.

Chabauty, F., Lafolie, F., Benoit, P., Pot-Genty, V. Modelling of biogeochmical processes occuring during the transport of organic contaminants and dissolved organic matter in deep soil horizons in the context of agricultural soils receiving urban waste composts as organic amendments. 5th International EcoSummit 2016, Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change, Montpellier, France, 2016-08-29 - 2016-09-01.

Francois Lafolie, Isabelle Cousin, Alain Mollier, Valerie Pot-Genty, Pierre-Alain Maron, et al. Which benefits in the use of a modeling platform : the VSoil example. EGU 2015, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Apr 2015, Vienne, Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, 2015.

Modification date: 13 September 2024 | Publication date: 09 April 2023 | By: the VSoil team